Customer Service
Customer Service

Our hours are from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., 7 days a week.

If you have any query regarding our product, please call 9823802626 / 9075726650.
Email us at
We will fix it as soon as possible.
At Moms' Farmstead Dairy, your milk is guaranteed to the last drop!

General Information

Boiling of Milk

Boiling of Milk

Though our raw milk is completely safe to consume directly, it’s advisable to boil the milk instantly in order to extract fresh cream for preparing home made ghee and also store milk for longer durations in refrigerator at 1-4 degree celcius. However, we recommend, consuming the milk immediately rather than preserving it. Why preserve it when you can get fresh everyday? Order only your daily dose of milk from us everyday.

Mode of Payment & Billing

Tokens will be issued to every subscriber at the start of each month or commencement date of your milk subscription. You may choose to issue tokens for either 15 days or 30 days. Payments to be made in cheque only favouring ‘ MOMS’ FARMSTEAD DAIRY. For cash payments, please call us on 9823802626.
* Kindly do not handover any cash to our delivery or sales agents.
Kindly intimate us 3 days in advance on issuance of new tokens so that we can hand over on time for future milk delivery.
You may elect to receive your bill by e-statement or paper copy. The bill will cover your deliveries for the previous month. In case of any queries or errors in billing, kindly intimate us through a call or mail us on


Our raw milk is guaranteed. We stand by our product and want you to have a delicious, quality experience with it. If you have any concerns, no matter how small, please call OR mail us. We want to make it right. At Moms’ Farmstead Dairy, your milk is guaranteed to the last drop!
Delivery Schedule

Delivery Schedule

We deliver fresh raw milk at your doorsteps everyday without any service charges. Our delivery timings will be between 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. each day. By the way, we do deliver on holidays at your regularly scheduled time.